Dear Reader, Have you ever played this game where you try to spot odd things, like yellow cars on a long drive? Unless you live in New York City, where it snows yellow cabs, you probably don't see many yellow cars on the road. This is especially true in New Zealand's countryside. That didn't stop my kids and I from spotting nine different ones on our journey to Hamilton over the weekend! By an uncanny coincidence, we happen to leave home at just the right moment to see not just one, but two...
9 months ago • 4 min read
Dear Reader, Have you caught yourself using the words "I should" or "I have to" since reading the last Commander's Report? Is it dawning on you, even just a little, how much of your day seems preordained by outside forces, and how much room there is for you to take more command of your life? Coming to this awareness is a potent accelerator. Regardless of what you might think, realizing that you don't always feel like the captain of your own ship is a wonderful thing. The reason is very...
10 months ago • 2 min read
Dear Reader, As promised, let's dive into the subject of influence. Setting aside the paraphenalia of things we can ingest or use, let's broaden our perspective by considering the word 'influence' in a more general sense. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, influence is defined as the power or capacity to cause an effect in indirect or intangible ways. So to answer the question of what influence you are under, you need to look at what is influencing your decisions, behaviours, and...
11 months ago • 3 min read
Dear Reader, Welcome to the Commander's Report. In case we haven't been introduced, I'm Commander Emilie. If you're new to my space or we've not been in contact for a while, this last sentence may leave you perplexed. Before your imagination runs wild and you wonder if I have joined the army or undergone some rigorous training that culminated in an official title, the answer is no. So what's this Commander business all about? If you've been keeping up with the news recently or engaging in...
12 months ago • 3 min read
Purification through fire. Dear Reader, The momentum has built. The arrow is aimed.It's time to let it fly. There is change in the air of a nature we have not encountered before. We have the opportunity to drop from our focus everything that is unimportant and irrelevant, to start fresh on whatever we set our minds to. It's a new freedom that doesn't call for justification or defending. It's simply there if you want it. To receive Sagittarius' mentoring on how to let this alchemizing flame do...
over 1 year ago • 1 min read
Is a dream something outside of you that you connect with once in a while to get away from your life? Could be. But dreams are much more than that. They are what make us Human. Dreams reveal the colour of our essence, our uniqueness, and are the driving force behind our actions. As adults, we have taken on responsibilities that seem to sometimes compete with our ability to fulfill our dreams. But what truly stops us in our tracks is doubt and fear, simply because moving towards our dreams...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Dear Reader, As I am writing these words, I am sick. My body is experiencing the flu. Last night, I got the works: body aches, high fever, chills, sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, fatigue, insomnia, headache... Usually, being sick is something that makes me feel ashamed. As if I did something wrong, like going out in the cold without covering my throat, not washing my hands enough when I was looking after my sick kids, or not following a proper sleep and nutrition routine that would ensure...
over 1 year ago • 3 min read
Dear Reader, What do you know about your body? What most of us have been told and understand about our physical form is that it develops from a single cell and matures into a fully grown body. Despite the engineering feats displayed in every single system and the seamlessness with which they interact with each other, what most of us keep in mind is the understanding that, from the point of maturity, our bodies slowly begin to degenerate. The rate and severity at which it occurs seem to depend...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Have you learned to dream small or simply forgotten how? Are you too busy to follow your dreams? Are you still looking for a way to channel your own untapped, actionable energy into what truly matters to you? You might even be among those who believe they no longer have dreams. If any of these lines hit home, dear Reader, then you are ready to breathe new life into your dreams. The basic truth is that humans are made of dreams. We are creators and experiencers, born to enjoy the adventure...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read