Your Body: A Weaving Portal

Dear Reader,

What do you know about your body?

What most of us have been told and understand about our physical form is that it develops from a single cell and matures into a fully grown body. Despite the engineering feats displayed in every single system and the seamlessness with which they interact with each other, what most of us keep in mind is the understanding that, from the point of maturity, our bodies slowly begin to degenerate. The rate and severity at which it occurs seem to depend on how well we look after it, but even that is debatable. Who has not seen people who seem to tick all the good behaviour boxes taken out by cancer and some who follow none of them and live to be 95 or more?

If there is no absolute correlation between how well we take care of our physical form and its longevity and health, is there something missing in the equation?

I absolutely think so.

When we think of our bodies as a reflection of the years we have spent on this planet and as a canvas that bears the footprints of our experiences, they become a mirror of that.

And yet, our bodies are so much more.

They are the interface through which we express and experience life.

On September 5, THIS is the premise I want to invite you to experience and integrate.

Let's radically change the way you understand and think about your body.

Streamline the past, harmonize the present, and make room for a radiant future using song, movement, and breathwork.

Enter into a true partnership with your body.
Honour it for all that it is.

In a welcoming home in Bellingwolde, Holland, I will guide a small group of humans to experience the portal that is their body.

Will you be one of us?

Pssst, the early bird discount is still on :)

Unless we radically change the way we perceive our body, it will continue to be a reflection of the years ticking by. That's something to think about ;)

Big hug,


P.S.: Keep an eye out in your inbox for the invitation to my other live event on August 31 in a different location in Holland.

If you feel stuck and are ready to breathe new life into your dreams, this one might be for you ;)

If you can't stand the suspense, here is a sneak peak of the offer.

Emilie Lapierre

I'm an intuitive, a channel and a guide. I translate spiritual principles into concrete everyday application. I help everyday humans become empowered leaders. Ready to take your life to the next level? Subscribe.

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