Have you been keeping score?

Dear Reader,

Have you caught yourself using the words "I should" or "I have to" since reading the last Commander's Report?

Is it dawning on you, even just a little, how much of your day seems preordained by outside forces, and how much room there is for you to take more command of your life?

Coming to this awareness is a potent accelerator.

Regardless of what you might think, realizing that you don't always feel like the captain of your own ship is a wonderful thing. The reason is very simple. Every time you notice an outside influence that contradicts your inner truth and act upon it by clearing your inner space and looking for better-feeling thoughts, you redirect energy back to yourself that would otherwise be lost.

It's akin to realizing that your charger is not fully plugged into your phone and readjusting it so it can actually be recharged.

That's how significant it is to consciously fall back under your own influence.

As you know, life is a rainbow of experiences. Some of them are more triggering than others. For instance, there is a significant difference between running late to a meeting and getting fired. Both of these experiences have the right ingredients to shake you out of your captain's seat, but the way back under your own influence is the same. Why it appears more difficult in one case than the other depends on how attached you are to a circumstance and the weight of the beliefs that are connected to it.

Finding your centre and being under your own influence is deeply linked to recognizing and embracing your own inherent worth and value. For most people, being late does not offer the same challenge to their value and worth as being fired.

That's why practice and awareness are so crucial. The more you train yourself to recognize and savour the peace and steadiness of your own influence, the more constant your well-being will be, regardless of what is happening around you.

To help you along the way, I've created a brief meditation to help clear your physical, mental, and energy space, allowing you to return fully under your own influence.

video preview

I'd love to know what the experience is like for you. Feel free to reply to this email and share. I'm always happy to hear from you.

Enjoy the meditation and keep an eye out for my next Report where we'll dive into the realm of questions.

Big hug,

P.S.: If you want to talk about how I can support you in your ability to FEEL, let's connect through free Discovery Call and see how we can work together.

41 Sorrento Key, Papamoa, BOP 3118
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Emilie Lapierre

I'm an intuitive, a channel and a guide. I translate spiritual principles into concrete everyday application. I help everyday humans become empowered leaders. Ready to take your life to the next level? Subscribe.

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