I'm an intuitive, a channel and a guide. I translate spiritual principles into concrete everyday application. I help everyday humans become empowered leaders. Ready to take your life to the next level? Subscribe.
Are you asking the right questions?
Published 9 months ago • 4 min read
Dear Reader,
Have you ever played this game where you try to spot odd things, like yellow cars on a long drive?
Unless you live in New York City, where it snows yellow cabs, you probably don't see many yellow cars on the road. This is especially true in New Zealand's countryside. That didn't stop my kids and I from spotting nine different ones on our journey to Hamilton over the weekend! By an uncanny coincidence, we happen to leave home at just the right moment to see not just one, but two yellow cars on the roundabout leading to the highway. We seemed to be on a lucky streak!
But it's not really a question of luck. It's all to do with how our mind works.
If you give your mind something to focus on, it will do so. It's what it does all the time, except we don't pay much attention to what we are focusing on.
At all times, there is a constant flux of information reaching your brain via your senses. Whatever you're thinking about or focusing on determines what information will make the cut and reach your conscious awareness. If you are intent on finding yellow cars, anything to do with the color yellow and cars will attract your attention. Because you are on the lookout for it, you will see the yellow Mazda two cars behind you in the rearview mirror, which otherwise would have gone unnoticed.
Intrigued yet?
Better get used to them; yellow cars will start popping up everywhere :)
The whole process works the same as breathing. Although you can breathe consciously and with awareness, if you stop focusing on your breath, your body will keep breathing for you.
In the same way, if you set yourself the task of spotting yellow cars, they will show up even when you stop actively looking for them. Your mind constantly sifts through the available information, much like the algorithms that track your searches and inundate you with advertisements for optometrists and glasses because you searched for how to spell the word "myopia". It will nudge you when the car displayed in the annoying pop-up ad is yellow or when your friend posts a photo of her trip to New York in front of a line of yellow cabs.
Yellow cars will pop up in your day at random moments until you decide you've had enough, and yellow cars are not that uncommon after all!
Your thoughts and attention are the main gateways that funnel information to your conscious awareness. It's a powerful feature that begs to be used for more than just passing time on a long drive or developing a fetish for yellow cars.
If you've been thinking recently that your life is pretty uneventful, similar to the yellow cars, without questioning whether you agree or not, your mind will activate the "boring life" filter and focus on things that confirm this perception, simply because it's what's on your mind.
That's where asking the right questions becomes pivotal.
Although asking yourself, Why is my life so boring? might seem like a normal response to the mounting evidence reflected in your reality, it will do nothing to change your mind's filter. Just like with your car, you're in the driver's seat. If you don't like the scenery or the destination, waiting for the car to change direction won't help.
Observing something unwanted reflected back in your life is an opportunity to change course and aim for what's wanted instead.
The questions you ask yourself can help you move in that direction and greatly influence your emotional state. A new question sends your mind on a whole new search.
So, how do you ask the right question?
Sometimes, it's difficult to pinpoint what you actually want through the haze of the old filter. That's when it's time to take the autopilot off and take a breath.
There are three fundamental questions that can help fast-track you into clarity.
Asking these questions and pausing to hear the full answer will naturally turn your awareness to the destination you truly wish for. Sitting with this powerful trio of questions and listening allows the outside influences to fade, creating space for your inner voice to resurface.
At first, the answer to these questions may not come easily, because they are not questions we tend to ask ourselves very often or give much importance to. Taking the time to hear the answer inevitably delivers a breakthrough.
Because experience is the most powerful teacher, I would like to invite you to explore these three powerful questions through The 3-Question Experiment.
Over the course of the next three weeks, I will be diving into each question. As a channel, I will ask Universal Intelligence to provide an answer to one question each week and facilitate a breathing experience to provide space for your own personal breakthrough.
If you are curious to know more and join the experiment, click on the button below.
Tuning your internal radio to the wise voice of your inner influence has a way of naturally uplifting your everyday life. Whether it's through meditation, breathing practices, or simply taking a walk in nature, a daily dose of easy, peaceful, and loving energy does wonders to alleviate the weight on your shoulders and bring more of what you want on your path, not just yellow cars! ;)
Enjoy observing the questions that pop into your mind and steering them towards what you want. In my next Commander's Report, I'll be exploring the results of the first part of the experiment.
Are you ready to ask What do I feel?
Big hug,
P.S.: If you missed the short meditation in the previous Report, here is the link again.
I'm an intuitive, a channel and a guide. I translate spiritual principles into concrete everyday application. I help everyday humans become empowered leaders. Ready to take your life to the next level? Subscribe.
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